Wednesday, November 25, 2009

That was then

Last year, for Free Comic Day Liam Geraghty and myself did this free mini-comic for the day - read it all here.


  1. Nice. I liked it when they interviewed Bob Byrne on the Comic Cast and he said that he always wished he could have had a major feud with another Irish cartoonist - especially you. The problem being that you're too nice to work up a proper hatred for.

  2. I know the feeling. It's a crushing blow to the ego.
    Brilliant drawing though! I love it

  3. I was on a bit of a downer at the Leeds comic convention but in retrospect we didn't do that bad. This strip really sums it up nice work!!!

  4. Too funny. My last con was entirely too similar to this. And I do mean LAST con.
